Bike Recipients

A few of the bicycle requests we have received:
Received from a foster mom
"Christy, a 5 year old little girl, would love a bike for Christmas. She just came into care for the first time and misses her mom terribly. Any happiness I can provide her during this time would be appreciated. She’s a very sweet, quiet girl and I know this would brighten her day. Thank you."
Received from a local group home supervisor
“This young lady has been asking for a bike for many months, however they are expensive and we have not been able to provide one for her. She is passionate about art and being able to be outside and enjoy the fresh air. She has struggled significantly with being in a group home/foster home for many years and the desire to be home with her family, whom she has not had contact with since she was young. I feel she deserves this wonderful gift, and I would love to see her the day she sees that there is a bike here just for her and for her to know there are people out there who care and want to give her something that would mean so much to her.“
From group home manager
"Brianna is 14 year old girl in foster care currently living in a group home for teenage girls. She would love to have a bike to ride as she has never had her own bike."
From group home manager
"Julie is a 14 year old girl in foster care who currently lives in a group home for teenage girls. Julie has had a very challenging and heartbreaking life and has had to move many times in her short life from group home to group home in foster care. I would love for Julie to have a bike which will be her very own and will be able to go with her wherever she goes or moves. I hope you will select Julie to have a bike shes truly deserves something good and positive to happen in her life. thank you for your consideration."
From aunt/foster mom
"My nephew came into our home through child social services on Oct 5th with just the clothes on his back. He's had a rough life and is now getting some normalacy in his life. He is such a good kid that loves to ride bikes, read ,draw. He does not have a bike of his own and I think this would brighten his Christmas up. Thank you for all you do!"
From social worker
"Raul has been in the foster care system since 2013, when he was 10 years old. His parents failed to reunify with him and really has no relationship with them at this time. Raul has a failed adoption with his aunt and was placed in a shelter based care facility for several years. Finally, for the last year he’s been placed in a loving home that desires to provide permanency to the now 16 year old. Raul is in high school and uses bike or skateboard for independent transportation from his home. Last year he requested a bike for Christmas from the Ventura County Christmas store, but they did not have the means. He was provided with a used bicycle that now has fallen apart and needs repair."
From school staff outreach specialist
"Hector is a former foster child. He is currently living with his mother in transitional housing, under a family reunification program. i have been working with Hector at school to encourage and develop his self-esteem. Hector has mentioned in the past that he gets sad because he is not as fast, or as strong as other boys. Hector needs constant reassurance that he can do the same athletic abilities as the other boys, he just needs to continue to try. Having a bicycle would greatly help him in continuing to develop his self-esteem. I hope he is considered as I know it can have a great impact on his young life. Thank you."
From social worker
"I am nominating a child on my current caseload who is currently in foster care. He would love to be the recipient of a bike as his birth mother let someone borrow his bike and promised him he would get it back; however the bike was never returned. He would love to have a bike."
From social worker
"I am nominating these youth because they have currently been in foster care for the last 18 months and prior was homeless. Due to not having a stable home she and her brother have never had the opportunity to have a bike. 7 year old girl. 6 year old boy."
From social worker
"Ricky is being adopted by his grandmother. He is 1 of 4 siblings. His siblings are living with their father. The father couldn't care for Ricky as he is a single father of 5. Ricky's grandparents are low income and do not have financial means to provide for a bike. Ricky is an adorable little boy. It would be a nice surprise to gift Ricky a bike. He could learn to ride this, his first bike."