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Purchase a bike for a local foster child
Buy locally or order online
We need new bicycles for ages 4-20.
Wheel sizes 16”, 20”, 24" and 26”(or 700c)
Feel free to purchase any bike of your choosing.
If possible, we prefer to have the bikes already assembled.
Wish Lists:
​Local Bike Shops:
​Cycle Dynamics
10225 Telephone Rd, Ventura
Matt's Cycling Center
2427 E. Harbor Blvd, Ventura
Open Air Bicycles
2386 E. Main St, Ventura
Trek Bikes of Ventura
4060 E. Main St, Ventura
​​​​Additional websites:
Bike Drop-Off or Shipping Location
Project Bicycle Love
4864 Market St, Suite B
Ventura, CA 93003
Please make an appointment to drop off bikes.
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